
Kingdom Hearts III: In the Land of Mewni Ch.4

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Kingdom of Mewni (World Logo) by portadorX
Soon all six heroes were outside the castle as Sora had his arms crossed over his head and Star skipping.

Sora: “Well that was some adventure.”

Star: “Yep, so what’s the secret?”

Marco: “Again? Remember how I almost read your journal, I learned my lesson, learn yours!”

Star: “Fine but-”

Sora: “I have to agree with Marco, it’s best to let it go. Your mom just wants to protect you that’s all, I hope you understand.”

Star: “Sigh yeah OK I won’t pry then. So you guys really need to go now?”

Goofy: “Yeah but we still haven’t found a keyhole to unlock another world.”

Star got an idea as her heart cheeks turned into light bulbs and got her scissors.

Star: “Oooh maybe my dimensional scissors can help with that!”

Sora: “Thanks but that’s not how it works for us.”

Star: “Oh well maybe my wand can do something.”

Marco: “Like what, a locating spell?”

Star: “Locating spell? Pffft I have an app for that on my phone! Which I still don’t have -“

Soon Star’s wand starts sparkling and floats in the air. Marco panics and gets behind Star.

Marco: “Star what’s happening!?”

Star: “ I don’t know?”

Marco: “Please tell me I won’t be trapped in a closet again!”

The wand shoots a beam in the sky revealing a keyhole and Sora points his Keyblade, shooting a light stream into it unlocking another world. Star and Marco get wide-eyed but Cloud ignored it seeing how he’s seen something like this before in Radiant Garden.

Marco: “Whoa!”

Star catches her wand wondering about that.

Star: “Whoa! I gotta remember how I did that!?”

Sora: “Actually, that happens a lot with the other world’s we visit. Still thanks for the help.”

Star: “Oh no problem! Happy to help, even though I didn’t really do anything but what-eves!”

While Star was proud of her “task” complete, Sora gets Cloud’s attention as he looks in the distance.

Sora: “Well now that this world’s been unlocked, you can probably hitch a ride with us to Radiant Garden.”

Cloud only ponders as he looks at Donald, Goofy, and Sora.

Cloud: “I can’t, I still need to settle the score.”

Sora: “Are you sure? Everyone misses you, like Tifa and Aerith.”

Cloud crosses his arms and looks away.

Cloud: “I’m sure, and…it’s the only way to keep them safe. Sigh, I’m just not sure how or where to find him?”

Star couldn’t help overhear Cloud’s story.

Star: “Maybe my scissors can help and Cloud, I don’t know who this “Sephiroth” guy is but if he’s as bad as you say he is, maybe you should chase him down.”

Everyone was a little startled by her comment except Cloud.

Goofy: “Really?”

Marco: “Star, are you sure?”

Star: “I don’t mean like revenge or anything. I’m just saying it’s not nice that he’ll try to hurt your friends just so he can hurt you. I kind of know what that’s like.”

Star looks at Marco with a sad look, remembering how Toffee kidnapped him just to get her wand, even sacrificing it for him. Marco smiles remembering how they got out of it alive. She slowly smiles at him too with that same memory.

Star: “Besides, if you ever do change your mind before fighting him, try coming back to Razy Garden again,

Sora: “Radiant Garden.”

Star: “Whatever, you can always get your friends to help take this guy down!”

Donald: “She’s got a point Cloud!”

Cloud smiles a bit thinking about it.

Cloud: “Maybe”

Star gets super cheery as she gets out her dimensional scissors again, snipping the air.

Star: “I’ll take that as a yes, now let’s try out these bad boys!”

Star cuts open a portal hoping to find the One Winged Angel, but instead, opens up a battlefield filled with interesting warriors fighting each other. A round yellow orb with arms and legs just chomped a blue speedy hedgehog with a “Wakka Wakka” sound and the blue blur gets back at him with a spin attack! Meanwhile, a warrior dressed in traditional white karate gear screams “Shoryuken!” as he upper-cuts a blue bomber”, but the robot boy tries to fire back with his mega buster. Someone was bound to be the victor, turns out it was a witch with guns in her hands and on her feet as she finishes them all off by summoning a demonic t-rex like creature, wearing a crown. It instantly chews them up and spits them out of the battlefield!

Sora: “Whoa! This is amazing!”

Star: “Yeah no kidding! Talk about awesome!”

Marco: “What the heck is this?”

Cloud: “Not sure, but it looks like a world of warriors fighting to survive. It’s not the first time I’ve seen a fight like this.”

Goofy: “Really? When?”

Cloud: “A time when warriors of light and darkness fought for Cosmos and Chaos. It’s how I first met Leon.”

Donald: “You mean Squall?”

Cloud smirks and remembers how Leon hates that name.

Cloud: “Yeah Squall. Tifa was there too…and Sephiroth.

While they talked, Star and Marco, on the other hand, were admiring who was fighting in that portal.

Star: “Oh look at the cute blue spiky mouse! He’s really fast and check-out that witch with those weapons on her hands and feet! That’s like totally helpful! A way better witch than Male-a-fit that’s for sure!”

Marco: “Yeah well did you check out the karate dude! I think I know what fusion costume I’m wearing this Halloween, half karate man, half were-wolf!

Star: “Could you imagine what we would look like in that world?”

Yeah pretty much.-
Star vs Forces of Smash by Zaidan

Marco: “Wait why do you need a cannon for an arm?”

Star: “Duh! Cause cannons are super awesome! Didn’t you see that blue robot? He rules!”

Sora: “I think I heard of these characters before. A friend of mine knows them.”

Marco: “And that would be?”

Sora: “Wreck-it Ralph.”

Cloud didn’t understand but it was clear this was another battlefield he had to enter if he wanted to fight Sephiroth again.

Star: “Well looks like this was the wrong place, sorry. I should get these scissors checked.”

Cloud: “Doesn’t matter, I’ll just take my leave.”

Sora: “Well good luck Cloud, I hope you come back”

Cloud: “…Me too”

Star: “Oh wait, Cloud!”

Cloud: “Mm?”

As she got close, Cloud was taken by surprise as she hugged him with her face turned on his chest. Everyone else was pretty surprised too, even Marco, who looked a bit jealous and wondered why.

Star: “Thanks for everything today, if it wasn’t for you, my parents might have..”

He almost looks like he was about to blush and pats her back.

Cloud: “It - it was nothing really, um you can let go now.”

She let’s go and reverts back to her happy self!

Star: “Well it was nice meeting you poofy marshmallow sky man! Bye!”

Marco: “Yeah see ya.”

Marco waves normal but Star waves frantically. Cloud gives a swift wave and smiles a bit.

Cloud: “And I thought Yuffie was weird.”

Sora: “Hey, seeing how you're going to fight these guys, maybe we can still have that match later in Olympus Coliseum?”

Cloud pauses.

Cloud: “And like I said before, I think I’ll pass”

He parts his hair and goes into the portal as it disappears.

Marco: “Well dude was kind of serious, but a total bad boy, like me!”

Donald: “Yeah you wish!”

Star: “How does he even carry that huge sword!”

Sora: “You know I was meaning to ask him that! Oh man, we should have asked!”

Goofy: “Probably works out all the time, well we better get going too!”

Star: “Oh I’m gonna miss you guys! You should totally come by to Echo Creek, it’s way more awesome over there than Mewni! They’ve got nachos!”

Sora: “Sure! And Star, I met a lot of princesses in my life, but you might as well be the wildest one I ever met.

Goofy: “You certainly take the cake on that!”

Marco: “Can’t argue there.”

Star: “Oh thanks, Sora and speaking of cake!”

Star uses a spell to conjure up a cake that hovers above Sora’s head and lands on his head.

Star: “Oops!”

Sora just laughs, gets the cake out and eats it. Goofy even ate some as he took a cake chuck out of Sora’s head. Donald starts jumping up and down.

Donald: “Hey leaves some for me!”

Marco: “Ew! I hope you shampooed your head, man!

Star: “Oooh, should really work on my aim more often.”

Marco: “Among other things”

Star: “You hush! Anyway sorry about that.”

Sora: “That’s OK, made a nice going away present”

Star: “Ooooh here’s a better present!”

Star uses her wand to conjure up a magic flash drive and gives it to Sora.

Star: "There’s an awesome song on that, you’ll love it! Hugs! Marco join in!”

Star hugs Sora and grabs Marco.

Sora: “Does this happen to you often?”

Marco: “Yeah, you?”

Soon Goofy and Donald join in on the hug too!

Sora: “Pretty much!”

As the three heroes walked off, Sora turned to add one more comment.

Sora: “And guys, um good luck with the people you love!”

Marco couldn’t help blush at that remark but Star just made a big smile with all kinds of highlights in her eyes!

Star: “Gasp! OMG thanks, Sora! I know me and Marco will be with our one true loves!”

As she made her statement, she grabs Marco close, with both of their cheeks touching and both waving to Sora. He couldn’t help but laugh since his statement met something else.

Sora: “Ha ha ha I’m sure you will.”

Star: “Good luck with Kairi!”

Sora slouches as he turns around and rubs his neck with a dazed look.

Sora: “Hey it’s not like- sigh sure thanks!”

As they parted ways, deep within the underground caravans of Mewni, a band of monsters and rats were carrying and stockpiling Mewni corn. The leader of these workers was threatening his new recruit with a pitchfork for a hand. This leader was Star Butterfly’s nemesis, Ludo, with a wand of his own and wearing a potato chip bag. He perched on a giant spider with a bald eagle behind him!

Ludo: “Now listen up fool, you now work for me! Do you understand  me, Meat Fork?”

Meat Fork puts his hand and pitchfork appendage up while kneeling down.

Meat Fork: “Yeah sure sure! You got it! I don’t want any trouble!”

Ludo: “Excellent! Now bring me more workers for my corn and punish those who would steal -“

Soon a dark portal opens with Saix coming out. Meat Fork gets up ready to defend his new master while bulging his muscles and threatening the intruder.

Meat Fork: “Hey no one enters the bosses territory without his permission, you know why they call me Meat Fork? It’s a family name that’s -“

Ludo: “Enough! You go! I’ll handle this matter!”

Meat Fork: “Oh OK boss!”

As Meat Fork scurries away, Ludo gets off his spider seat. He walks up to Saix and looks up at him with his wand in hand. He looks down at the kappa-like creature.

Saix: “Quite a little empire”

Ludo: “It’s small but it’s still growing, so did you get rid of this Maleficent?”

Saix: “She ran off like the coward she is.”

Ludo: “Excellent! And what of the queen?”

Saix: “She’s still alive no thanks to her daughter and the Keyblade wielder.”

Ludo: “Keyblade what? Never mind, Star Butterfly was there?!”

Saix: “She was but should be gone by now.”

Ludo looks and listens to his wand.

Ludo: “Mmmm not ready yet, alright then, what was that second rate Witch looking for anyway?”

Saix: “A book”

Ludo’s eyes widen, caressing his wand.

Ludo: “A book you say?”

Saix: “Not the one you're looking for I’m afraid.”

Ludo: “Dang, must be the one still on earth.”

Saix: “If we’re done here, our business is concluded.”

As Saix turns and opens the dark portal, Ludo points his wand at him from behind.

Ludo: “Hold it! The last person I trusted betrayed me, took everything I had and ended up getting destroyed! What’s your motive for helping me?”

Saix: “I was just here to get rid of the competition for our Organization, she was putting an imbalance in our plans.”  

Ludo: “And what does that make me?”

Saix looks at Ludo’s wand and smiles.

Saix: “Not much of a threat, you may possess that weapon, but if anything, that weapon possesses you. I’ve heard it happened before with my master, a mistake he’ll never make again. In the end, you’ll just destroy yourself.”

Saix disappears from Mewni for good, leaving Ludo alone with his wand thinking about what he said. But the wand makes him focus again in continuing his army while talking to his pets.

Ludo: “Bah he doesn’t know what’s he’s talking about! Girls, Mewni will be mine and I will destroy Star Butterfly! I just need that spell book!”

Meanwhile Sora, Donald, and Goofy were traveling the magical abyss aboard the Gummi ship. Sora relaxes on the captain’s chair.

Sora: “Man those two were awesome for dimensional travelers! Maybe we should visit this Echo Creek place some day?”

Goofy: “Mmm according to the ship’s readings, we can just go back to Gravity Falls to do that.”

Donald: “Wait what does that mean?”

Goofy: “It means Gravity Falls and Echo Creek share the same world but at different locations.”

Sora: “Whoa! Cool! That means we can probably visit the Pines family again along with Star and Marco at the same time!”

Donald: “That’s pretty amazing!”

Sora: “Yeah speaking of amazing, let’s check out this song Star gave me.”

Sora puts in the magical flash drive with the mp3 song and puts it into the ship’s music player. He leans back tapping his foot as he listens and Goofy even nods to the song but Donald gets frustrated from hearing it.

Donald: “Ug what’s up with this tune?”

Goofy: “I don’t know, I kind of like it, I think its suppose to sound ironic?”

Donald: “How is it ironic?”

Soon the song was interrupted by the ship's mechanics, Chip, and Dale.

Chip: “Sorry for the interruption guys but we got a message from master Yen-Sid!”

Sora: “What?”

Dale: “Yeah it says you y’all need to return to the Mysterious Tower. Someone broke in!”

Donald: “Impossible!”

Goofy: “Who broke in?”

Chip: “We don’t know, but Sora, your the only one who can do it. He said that you have to enter someplace called…The Wasteland.”

End of level: *Unlocked new Keyblade* Fractured Wand - Upgrades magic stats and higher skill points.

Keyblade: Fractured Wand - unlocked in Mewni by Zaidan
The story takes place between “By the Book” and “Game of Flags”: Season 2 Episode 7.3. If anyone has any other questions, I’m free to answer them as much as possible. All rights of Star vs the Forces of Evil and Disney characters belong to Disney. Characters related to Kingdom Hearts belong to Square Enix. This is only fan fiction and no profit to be made. Fractured Keyblade is my own design using Star Butterfly's new wand and Marco's hoodie.
© 2016 - 2024 Zaidan
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Zaidan's avatar
I just saw the season 2 finale, Saix was right after all except he underestimated the power of what that wand can truly do!